8 Steps to a Cleaner Home

Follow these 8 steps for a cleaner home, all the time!

1 - Clean Faster

Studies show that speed cleanings reduce aggravation and frustration as well as save time!

1 - Clean Faster

Studies show that speed cleanings reduce aggravation and frustration as well as save time!

2 - Imaginary Inspector

Similar to an imaginary friend, an imaginary inspector can help you mentally look at your home in a new light and see prioritize your cleaning.

3 - Get Professional Help

Hiring a professional cleaning service will deep clean your home and you can either maintain it yourself or request a reoccurring cleaning schedule.

4 - Watch your Hands

Every time you put something down, think about whether or not it is being put where it belongs. If not, make yourself move it. after a few days of this, you will have a cleaner home and will develop the habit of keeping everything in its place!

5 - Make your Bed

A well made bed takes a few moments and presents a much cleaner appearance.

6 - Corral your Stuff

Get in the habit of placing items in containers and organized areas. This helps make items more findable and prevents clutter.

7 - Clear Clutter

Clutter is hard to dust and stuffs up your home, giving it a disorganized and messy feel. Spend 15 minutes every few days working to clear clutter.

8 - Pull Rank

If someone in your house is making a mess, put them to work! Have your family or even guests help keep your home clean!




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