How Much of Your Life is Spent Cleaning?

According to a study done in February 2015, the average household takes 18.36 hours a week to thoroughly clean. This is a little over two and a half hours a day and over 950 hours a year! This study is based on doing more than simple tidying. It is based on deep cleaning, including dusting, washing windows, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, washing all counters and cupboards, disinfecting bathrooms, etc.

Another study, this one done in the UK and based on lighter levels of home cleaning, suggests that women spend over a year and a half of their lives cleaning the house. That is 12,896 hours spent cleaning during their lifetime. Men spend about half of this, totaling 6,448 hours cleaning during their lifetime.

Of course, there are many factors which play a part in just how long it will take you to clean your particular home. Factors like the size of the home, the amount of time since it was last cleaned, the number of people who live within the home, the age of any children in the home…all of these play a part in the amount of time it will take you to thoroughly clean.

Your Home’s Structure:
The larger your home is, the longer it will take to clean. That is easily understandable considering that it simply takes more time to clean more space. However, the type of home will also play a factor. It will take longer to vacuum and wash carpets, for example, than to sweep and clean vinyl flooring. If you have carpets or rugs spread through large sections of your home, it will take longer to clean than a home with tile or vinyl throughout it.

How many people live in your home?
More people means more messes. And the younger the residents of the home, the bigger the messes become. A home with multiple young children will simply take longer to clean than a home with one adult. However, even a home with one or two adults will have trouble issues, such as the high traffic areas accumulating dirt on the carpet.

Do you have pets?
Anyone who has a pet loves their pet dearly. However, simple facts show that a home with a pet will take longer to clean. Pet dander, hair, nose prints on windows, plus any “accidents” on the carpet or flooring will add time to your cleaning regime.

Your State of Cleanliness:
The same UK study mentioned earlier also found that a third (32%) of the population does not perform deep cleaning, but only does the bare minimum cleaning required within their homes. This study went on to say that:
  • Only 18% of the UK, where the study was conducted, clean their toilet seat daily
  • Only 66% of the UK clean their kitchen surfaces daily
  • Only 75% clean their kitchen floors weekly
  • 75% have never deep cleaned their carpets
  • 50% clean their fridge once a month

These are just a few of the many factors to consider when estimating the amount of time it will take you to clean your home. Is 18 hours a week about the norm for a deep clean of your home? If so, it is likely that you often sacrifice the cleanliness of your home due to the time it takes to achieve it. If that is the case, it’s likely that hiring a professional cleaning company can help. Give Scrub-a-Dub Maids a call today to schedule a free estimate: 435-267-0963. 


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