Bacteria in a Home

Have you ever seriously wondered what the bacteria count in your home could be? You might be surprised at the disease or allergy inflicting germs that can be lurking in your computer keyboard, remote, mobiles, handbags, and more.

The Kitchen

Can you imagine how many bad bacteria can be found in the kitchen? Your kitchen requires professional cleaning with the right kind of cleaners and equipment to kill all those dreaded bacteria. Your dish sponge is one of the most germ infested items in your kitchen with a bacteria count of 775, 460,560 per square inch. The cutting board could easily have 61,597 per square inch of bacteria and the kitchen counter top about 1736 per square inch. Multiply that number with the area of the cutting board and the kitchen top and the numbers are enough to make anyone turn a bit green.

The kitchen tap handle and the kitchen sink have more bacteria than a flushed toilet because a lot of meat remnants and food produce collects there. If you have no time to do a thorough clean up job yourself then it’s wise to look into professional cleaning. They will know the exact spots that accumulate the maximum germs and have access to cleaning agents that will knock the bacteria down.

Another place that bacteria often collects is your floors and carpets. Any food spills like coffee, juices milk etc. that are not immediately and thoroughly cleaned provide ideal conditions for them to thrive in. Bacteria can also be pulled into the house on the feet of family, friends, and pets. Every time you leave the house and return, you are potentially bringing dirt and bacteria onto the floors of your home.

Regular mopping with soaps and hot water will greatly reduce the amount of bacteria found on your floors. If you don’t have the time to keep up on this, most maid services, including Scrub-a-Dub Maids, will offer regular recurring cleaning schedules. We will visit your home on any regular schedule that you prefer, ensuring that your home is as clean as possible all the time.


A hasty bathroom cleaning can be almost as bad as not cleaning the bathroom at all. It is common knowledge that bathrooms need to be disinfected regularly because every flush of the toilet releases bacteria that settles on bathroom surfaces. One bathroom tap and handle has about 50,068 square inch of bacterial contamination, Count all the used taps and calculate. Yikes!

Professional cleaning services, such as Scrub-a-Dub Maids, will sanitize bathrooms, free your kitchen of bacteria, remove harmful bacteria from your doorknobs, computers and carpets, and sanitize floorings within your home.Give Scrub-a-Dub Maids a call today to schedule a free estimate: 435-267-0963.