Wacky Wednesday Tips - Ceiling Fans

Have a habit of getting dust in your face every time you clean the blades of your ceiling fan? Today's Wacky Wednesday tip shows you how to prevent the issue!

Take a spare pillow case and wrap it around the fan blade. Wipe the blade off into the pillow case so the dust is collected inside rather than falling into your face.


Wacky Wednesday Tips - Sanitize Sponges

I kind of get grossed out by sponges. Do you? I just feel like they are perfect for harboring millions of germs. I do like the sponges with the rough side for scrubbing out hard-to-clean pots and pans, but end up throwing them out before their life cycle is over. What a waste! Instead, put them in the microwave for a couple of minutes and watch as the microbes sizzle away.



Wacky Wednesday - Toy Clean

Today's Wacky Wednesday tip is for all those parents out there. Did you know that you can clean small toys by putting them in a laundry bag and throwing them in the washer?

You've probably never thought to wash anything other than clothes in your washing machine, but a laundry bag can make it possible to clean so much more, including small Lego pieces! You could also use this concept in the dishwasher.



Wacky Wednesday - Junk Drawers

6 Steps to Clean and Organize a Junk Drawer

Junk Drawers are notoriously a disaster, but it is possible to have a clean and organized drawer. Follow these steps to get it there:

1) Dump it out. You can't clean a drawer with everything in it. Start fresh with an empty drawer.
2) Pay attention to patterns. Pay attention to what remains. If it's mostly sewing tools, look into a sewing kit. If it's mostly pens and stationary, get a stationary organizer.
3) Throw away what isn't needed. Don't hold on to anything you will never use or look at again.
4) Sort what remains. Keep like items together. Wrap pens in a rubber band, stack stationary, etc.
5) Organize what's left. Use small containers, bottles, utensil drawers, etc to organize your drawer
6) Storage. When you are done organizing, leave room left over for future items that will need to be stored here.



Help a Washington County Classroom

Please take a moment to help out our local teacher.

Mrs. Ingram, a local teacher here in Washington County at Riverside Elementary is very close to winning a $7,000 Tech Grant for her classroom. Mrs. Ingram thought she would have no chance of winning about a month ago when she applied. She is now in the lead and I’d like to keep it that way. If you could be so kind… Please take 2-3 minutes and vote! You do have to create an account to vote but could make a huge impact for a local classroom in our community.


