Wacky Wednesday Cleaning Tip!

Today's tip is for those tough to clean glass top stoves.

You'll need hot soapy water, baking soda, a cleaning rag and gloves. Fill a bowl with hot tap water add a small amount of dish detergent. Soak the rage in the bowl of soapy water. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the glass cook top surface. Ring out half of the water from your cleaning rage. You want it soppy not soaking lay the wet rag on the glass cook top wait 15 minutes. Swirl the cleaning rag around the cook top using the baking soda paste as a gentle scrub. Dry up and shine with a clean cloth.

Have a Sparkly Day!


Wacky Wednesday Cleaning Tip

With the New Year in full swing, it's important to set your cleaning routine and stick with it. Today we'll focus on those homes with pets. As for most pet owners your pets are not just pets but part of the family. They provide companionship, laughter and memories. Aas a member of the family they also add to the mess. Here are seven simple tips to keep your home pet clean..

Step 1. Wipe out stains. Clean up messes as they happen, speed is your best friend when it comes to Fido's accidents. Blot the entire mess with papertowels, and a thick layer of newspaper. Stand on the pile until almost completely dry. Next, clean the area with cool water and blot with paper towels as much water as you can. If needed follow this process with a spot shampooer.

Step 2. Simplify Cleaning. Keep food bowls on pet-friendly placemats. Clean up messes as they happen.

Step 3. Excercise pets. Well excersized pets tend to be more mellow. Added bonus your kids get some excersize at the same time. A mellow pet is less likely to tear into the trash or rip up that box of tissue. Well excersized, mellow pets are also less like to have an accident on the floor.

Step 4. Grooming. Brushing is an easy kid chore. Regular brushing helps eliminate some shedding and allows you to decide where that loose fur flies. Add this to your childs daily choir routine to cut down on excess shedding.

Step 5. Wash your pet. Keeping those pet paws clean, helps prevent paw prints and excess dirt brought in from the outdoors. You can keep a shallow basin by the door your pet frequently uses rinsing and drying their paws on the way back inside.

Step 6. Scoop the litter. Dirty litter boxes is the number one reason kitties won't use their litter boxes. Litter boxes should be cleaned daily adding fresh litter as needed.

Step 7. Open the windows. Fresh air can manage the amount of dander, dust and odor in your home. Open up those windows for 10-15 minutes a day (except in extreme weather conditions) to help circulate fresh air throughout your home.

For more time saving tips and tricks visit us online.

Have a Sparkly Day!

Breeze -

Wacky Wednesday!

It's Wacky Wednesday!!!

Our cleaning tip for today is for those hard to reach window tracks.

Simply take a Q-tip and dip it in white vinegar rub it along your window sills. The Q-tip will reach all those nooks and cranny's were dirt and dust accumulate.

See more tips and tricks on our website.

Have a Sparkly Day!
