Have you ever seriously wondered what the bacteria count in your home could be? You might be surprised at the disease or allergy inflicting germs that can be lurking in your computer keyboard, remote, mobiles, handbags, and more.

The Kitchen

Can you imagine how many bad bacteria can be found in the kitchen? Your kitchen requires professional cleaning with the right kind of cleaners and equipment to kill all those dreaded bacteria. Your dish sponge is one of the most germ infested items in your kitchen with a bacteria count of 775, 460,560 per square inch. The cutting board could easily have 61,597 per square inch of bacteria and the kitchen counter top about 1736 per square inch. Multiply that number with the area of the cutting board and the kitchen top and the numbers are enough to make anyone turn a bit green.

The kitchen tap handle and the kitchen sink have more bacteria than a flushed toilet because a lot of meat remnants and food produce collects there. If you have no time to do a thorough clean up job yourself then it’s wise to look into professional cleaning. They will know the exact spots that accumulate the maximum germs and have access to cleaning agents that will knock the bacteria down.

Another place that bacteria often collects is your floors and carpets. Any food spills like coffee, juices milk etc. that are not immediately and thoroughly cleaned provide ideal conditions for them to thrive in. Bacteria can also be pulled into the house on the feet of family, friends, and pets. Every time you leave the house and return, you are potentially bringing dirt and bacteria onto the floors of your home.

Regular mopping with soaps and hot water will greatly reduce the amount of bacteria found on your floors. If you don’t have the time to keep up on this, most maid services, including Scrub-a-Dub Maids, will offer regular recurring cleaning schedules. We will visit your home on any regular schedule that you prefer, ensuring that your home is as clean as possible all the time.


A hasty bathroom cleaning can be almost as bad as not cleaning the bathroom at all. It is common knowledge that bathrooms need to be disinfected regularly because every flush of the toilet releases bacteria that settles on bathroom surfaces. One bathroom tap and handle has about 50,068 square inch of bacterial contamination, Count all the used taps and calculate. Yikes!

Professional cleaning services, such as Scrub-a-Dub Maids, will sanitize bathrooms, free your kitchen of bacteria, remove harmful bacteria from your doorknobs, computers and carpets, and sanitize floorings within your home.Give Scrub-a-Dub Maids a call today to schedule a free estimate: 435-267-0963. 

According to a study done in February 2015, the average household takes 18.36 hours a week to thoroughly clean. This is a little over two and a half hours a day and over 950 hours a year! This study is based on doing more than simple tidying. It is based on deep cleaning, including dusting, washing windows, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, washing all counters and cupboards, disinfecting bathrooms, etc.

Another study, this one done in the UK and based on lighter levels of home cleaning, suggests that women spend over a year and a half of their lives cleaning the house. That is 12,896 hours spent cleaning during their lifetime. Men spend about half of this, totaling 6,448 hours cleaning during their lifetime.

Of course, there are many factors which play a part in just how long it will take you to clean your particular home. Factors like the size of the home, the amount of time since it was last cleaned, the number of people who live within the home, the age of any children in the home…all of these play a part in the amount of time it will take you to thoroughly clean.

Your Home’s Structure:
The larger your home is, the longer it will take to clean. That is easily understandable considering that it simply takes more time to clean more space. However, the type of home will also play a factor. It will take longer to vacuum and wash carpets, for example, than to sweep and clean vinyl flooring. If you have carpets or rugs spread through large sections of your home, it will take longer to clean than a home with tile or vinyl throughout it.

How many people live in your home?
More people means more messes. And the younger the residents of the home, the bigger the messes become. A home with multiple young children will simply take longer to clean than a home with one adult. However, even a home with one or two adults will have trouble issues, such as the high traffic areas accumulating dirt on the carpet.

Do you have pets?
Anyone who has a pet loves their pet dearly. However, simple facts show that a home with a pet will take longer to clean. Pet dander, hair, nose prints on windows, plus any “accidents” on the carpet or flooring will add time to your cleaning regime.

Your State of Cleanliness:
The same UK study mentioned earlier also found that a third (32%) of the population does not perform deep cleaning, but only does the bare minimum cleaning required within their homes. This study went on to say that:
  • Only 18% of the UK, where the study was conducted, clean their toilet seat daily
  • Only 66% of the UK clean their kitchen surfaces daily
  • Only 75% clean their kitchen floors weekly
  • 75% have never deep cleaned their carpets
  • 50% clean their fridge once a month

These are just a few of the many factors to consider when estimating the amount of time it will take you to clean your home. Is 18 hours a week about the norm for a deep clean of your home? If so, it is likely that you often sacrifice the cleanliness of your home due to the time it takes to achieve it. If that is the case, it’s likely that hiring a professional cleaning company can help. Give Scrub-a-Dub Maids a call today to schedule a free estimate: 435-267-0963. 

A clean house can reflect the personality of their owner. Also, it can reduce the chances of getting sick as regular cleaning can prevent the presence of bacteria and infections. However, there are some aspects of home cleaning that are commonly missed which in time can get unsanitary and extremely dirty when neglected for long periods of time. You’ll probably be amazed at the areas you’re commonly missing when cleaning!

The first house area that is commonly missed during the cleaning process is the condiments on your fridge. Condiments are regularly used in everyday meals and, with that use, they can become dirty. They may stain our food and hands because of the leaks out of the bottle. When not cleaned regularly, these items will create the perfect breeding area for bacteria and germs. Condiment containers are quick and easy to clean, but are still often forgotten or missed during the entire cleaning process.

To clean condiments bottles, you can simply use disinfecting wipes and wipe them off. Do this as part of your regular cleaning regime to help prevent the growth of bacteria.

Refrigerator Door Handle:
The next house area that is commonly missed during the cleaning process is the refrigerator handle. This is one of the places where all the people in your house come in contact with. The main issue here is the possibility of touching the raw foods before or after getting in contact with the refrigerator handle. It may cause serious problems when you regularly miss cleaning this part of your home since it is also a good breeding area for bacteria because of its moist surface.

In addition, the handles of every door/cupboard in a home are also often missed during the cleaning process. You can use again the disinfecting wipes to clean these handles to kill the housing germs and bacteria.

The next area that is commonly missed in cleaning is your computer keyboard. Usually, this is one of the places where you regularly have contact and can share gems and bacteria. Often, we snack and drink beverages at our desks, which can leave a keyboard covered stains and crumbs. Cleaning the keyboard is time-consuming and can be a little difficult with all of its nooks and crannies.

The first thing that you should do is to shake your keyboard upside down and use a cylinder item with compressed air to blow out the remaining debris. You can also use the sticky side of a post it note to help pull remaining crumbs or hair from between the keys. Finally, use a micro-fiber cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol and wipe down all of its keys to remove any remaining dirt and any bacteria that have built up.

Phones & Remotes:
The last area we will be discussing in this article that is commonly missed is your hand held phones and remote controls. Since you’re touching these devices throughout the course of your entire day, germs and bacteria are definitely building up there.

It would be better to clean them off by using a disinfecting wipe and kill the germs and bacteria in it.
Disinfecting wipes can definitely be one of the most important cleaning items to use in your cleaning regime.

If you do not have the time to complete your cleaning yourself, or wish to have the benefits of the deep cleans that can be provided by a professional cleaning service, Scrub-a-Dub Maids in St George, Utah is here for you. Give us a call today: 435-267-0963!

Allergies are on increase!

As a matter of fact, it is reported that the current level of allergies is being referred to by doctors as a Silent Epidemic. The ACAAI had reported that 36% of the total earth’s population is suffering from allergies to one or more substance. Although at first it was thought to be caused by industrial pollution, the studies are now showing that the indoor pollutions are actually the one behind the increase.

Generally, deep cleaning is considered as one of the most effective means to reduce allergies in the home. However, in order for you to hire a cost effective deep cleaning service that will meet your needs, you should first consider the different packages that the company can offer you.

What allergens may be in your home:
House dust and mites, pollen grains, animal dander and molds makes up 70% of the reported level of allergens. All of the mentioned allergens are concentrated in urban and modern homes especially those with ingested or inhaled recycled air. Dust mites, in particular, are often implicated in causing asthmatic and allergic reactions and are normally found in large amounts in mattresses. You can’t see them, but they thrive in furniture and carpets.

Mildews and Molds can breed within your kitchen and bathroom, increasing allergies and making it difficult for sufferers to breath.

Upholstery and fiber carpets are also one of the breeding environments of dust mites, fungi and almost all of the microorganisms that grow by the moisture of the air, dander and shed skin cells. Vacuuming alone is not an effective way to remove these allergens. They will continue to build up and grow in your furniture and fibers. Regular deep cleaning is the only solution for this type of problems.

How can Scrub-a-Dub Maids help:
Using a cleaning service, like Scrub-a-Dub Maids, that is well trained in deep cleaning methods is very important because we can guarantee that the job is done properly. We are professionally trained to clean deeply throughout your home, including ridding the home of dust, pollens, and more.  When combined with carpet cleaning services, which can steam clean carpets and upholstery where dust mites normally reside, this can significantly reduce allergens within your home.

Why should you hire a professional cleaner for allergy relief? Letting your house go long periods of time without deep cleaning can lead to many problems, including the development of allergies within your family. By hiring a professional cleaning service, the risk of respiratory problems for you and your family will be greatly reduced due to the reduction of allergy symptoms.

Scrub-a-Dub Maids offers different cleaning packages allowing you to choose the one that suits you best. We offer recurring maid services to help keep your home consistently deep cleaned. We also offer free estimates, which will help us build a cleaning routine that fits both your needs and your budget. Give us a call today to find out more! 435-267-0963.


If your clothes have ever had grease stains on them, you know the kind of trouble those stains can be when it comes time to clean them. However, there is one simple trick that will help remove grease stains easier and cheaper than ever:

  1. liberally cover the grease stain with chalk before washing. 
That's it. One step to easier, cheaper grease stain removal.


We are bypassing our normal Wacky Wednesday Tip today to announce a contest we are running.

FREE HOUSE CLEANING! Valued up to $124.95.
Enter to win Scrub-a-Dub Maids' FREE HOUSE CLEANING contest. Simply click the link below and submit your details to enter. The winner will be announced July 4th, 2015.


When was the last time you really cleaned your butcher block? Cleaned, not just wiped down? These tips make it easy to clean and disinfect the block after every use.

  1. After use, use a cloth/paper towel to wipe off any remaining food
  2. Clean the surface with warm, soapy water
  3. Use a 1:1 mixture of vinegar and water in a spray bottle and liberally coat the surface
  4. Wipe clean with a paper towel
  5. Let sit for 15 minutes to dry
Repeating this process after every use will keep your butcher block clean and infection-free!
